Request for a unreal engine 5 RPG course

Please make a full course of RPG in unreal engine 5 like that you have done for unity from very scratch to advanced.

I would like any unreal intermediate course…

Here is my take on this:

… a suggestion for your next ‘big’ course / kickstarter. A blueprints-only 3rd person RPG-lite shooter with abilities (i.e. Outer Worlds or Outriders) in Unreal. A key selling point would be a “complete” game as a final product (roughly 30-45 minutes) when completed, including quests, puzzles, and combat. I would sell it as a kickerstarter subscription for maybe $150 which gets you ~15 courses each around 2-4 hours of video content. The individual courses would sell for $13 - 15 each on sale. Example courses: Setting the base atmosphere, Level design 1: Starting area, Character movement, Adding a weapon, Ability 1: Creating an ability, Level design 2: Building an interior location, Puzzles 1: interactable objects, Lighting 1: Setting a mood (interior), etc. Another key element to the course would be exploring Unreal’s built-in and free plug-in components, such as that for quests. Bonus opportunity for either porting to or starting with Unreal 5. Cheers.

I agree. We have a bunch of Intermediate/Advanced Unity courses, but not that many in Unreal Engine. And the beginner C++ one spends countless hours teaching rudimentary C++ (different variable types, how to write a function, etc…).

Unreal Engine needs more love (just leave C++ learning for PluralSight).

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