Rendered Dog

Here are the final renders for my dog! I decided to make the dog I want to eventually get, a nice Swiss Shepherd.
Absolutely loved this project, and I ended up mixing all the different types of texturing we have learned up to this point. Not entirely pleased with how the mouth ended up but it was quite the trial. I knew making it open would lead to a harder job but had confidence and now I think I have a better idea how to approach it next time!

For some reason my other renders haven’t wanted to upload on this forum the past couple days. :frowning_face: not sure if it’s on my end or not. However, I did upload more renders plus some in-progress shots on my artstation. I’m not sure if I should be plugging that here though, so I’ll delete the link if not


Beautiful Dog.


That is a decent looking dog. Good bottom up camera angle.

Where did the cat go? Maybe the dog ate it?

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Link is fine.

Not sure why your images would not load here. There is some size limit but it is not often any problem.

Great dog and well done hair.

Camera view, with annoying grass in the way is so real! So often have to ‘weed’ stuff out of the way if photographing something like a fungi or flower.


Haha I prefer to think maybe the cat was chased off

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I was thinking the same thing as 2 of them intersect across his head, which is distracting.

Otherwise, it’s a great looking dog. :grinning:

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