Render times. No option between CPU and GPU?

Don’t forgot you have to enable GPU rendering in User Preferences!

In preferences go to system:

Then Switch “Cycles Computer Device” from “None” to “CUDA”:

Finally, select the graphics card you want to use for rendering:

Then just hit “Save User Settings” at the bottom and you should be good to go.

You can find it on the right listed in the “Device” drop down:

Now, this won’t work if you’re using anything other than an Nvidia or AMD graphics card. So if you’re running integrated Intel graphics, it’s a no-go.

Hope this helped!

Thanks for your help. I’m afraid my user preferences didn’t allow me to do this. I have the cheapest PC I could find in PC world. Maybe that’s the problem.

If you click on CPU can you switch to openCL? In my case it will unlock the CPU option.

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