Render Times for an i7 2.6 Ghz and a Nvidia GTX 1060

GPU: Nvidia 1060
CPU: Intel i7 2.6 Ghz
OS: Windows 10 64 bit

Fastest time was with a tile of 240, 135 at 101 seconds but basically anything within a tile range of 240 to 512 is pretty close for the GPU.

Fastest time for the CPU was 32,32 but anything between 8 and 128 is fairly close

Here is a table and chart of my runs. I skipped the 8, 8 for the GPU because it was going to be very long.

X Y GPU (sec) CPU (sec)
8 8 240
16 16 1521 241
32 32 504 240
64 64 187 246
128 128 116 258
240 135 102 289
256 256 101 308
480 270 101 468
512 512 107 888
960 540 117 1491


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