Render Time Result

Tested with 1920 x 1080 at 50 percent, here are the result

GPU Compute
GeForce GTX 970 Strix
64 x 64: 3 Min 55 sec
128 x 128 : 1 Min 55 sec
256 x 256 : 1 Min 31 sec
512 x 512 : 1 Min 22 sec (Best)
768 x 768 : 1 Min 22 sec
1024 x 1024 : 1 Min 23 sec

CPU Compute
Core I5 4690 (3.5 Ghz)
16 x 16 : 7 Min 4 sec
32 x 32 : 7 Min 3 sec (Best)
64 x 64 : 7 Min 51 sec
128 x 128 : 8 min 34 sec
256 x 256 : 8 MIn 10 sec
512 x 512 : 13 min 37 sec
768 x 768 : 20 min 33 sec

Used the same settings with the BMW scene

My System:

CPU: Intel i5 3.20GHz
GPU: Radeon RX 570
OS: Windows 10 64bit

Testing results ordered from fastest setting to slowest:

Tile 512x512

OpenCL: 1min 38sec (faster then i thought)
CPU: 12min 11sec

Tile 1024x1024

OpenCL: 1min 39sec
CPU: din’t testet it to the end ~20 min if the remaining time is correct :smiley:

Tile 64x64

OpenCL: 1min 59sec
CPU: 5min 12sec

Tile 128x128

OpenCL: 2min 01sec
CPU: 5min 12sec

Tile 32x32

OpenCL: 3min 24sec
CPU: 5min 09sec

Tile 256x256

CPU: 6min 07sec
OpenCL: 6min 20sec

i think i stick to the 512x512 Tile setup with the GPU Compute on, seams to be fitting the best to my system.

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