Render settings

Hello guys, hope you are doing well :ok_hand:.
I am trying to render an environment scene contains Alot of trees.
I have minimised the vertix count of every object to point it wont hurt the look.
But whenever I hit render blender crashes after one or two minutes without showing that it start any calculation.
I am using cycles render, I also tried 720x1280 , denoise is on with 60 samples.
For light I am using Sun (8 strength) and 4k HDRI (Which I wanted to check what render will look like)

The size of my file is big That I understand for sure but I also want a good environmental scene to render , So I need tips or guidance on this subject because I am always running in this problem. I model a scene with detail and then I have to delete many items to make render possible which cost me my results.

For specs of my computer I am using i7 4790 with
Asus GTX 1660 super GPU and 12 Gb Ram.

So do I have to scale my project down or can I go limitless some how ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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Blender crashes do occur and mostly because of memory consumption!

  • Try to activate a tool that shows you the memory consumption of your hardware (as a graph?).

Blender will eat your memory very fast, then if no memory is available then disk swapping occurs. The machine is heavily accessing the hard drive, exchanging memory with the disk. Your machine we become slow, unstable … Blender crash.

Don’t forget that your mesh (vertex) counts on your Blender info (bottom right window), is an estimate. When the render starts, then the modifiers kick in, applying subdivision, adding particles, etc … memory consumption will explode.

A single face with 4 vertices is 1 (one).
Subdivide is 4 faces, 9 vertices
Subdivide again is 16 faces
Again 256 …

  • A solution could be to render in parts and merge images
  • Use low poly objects for distance locations.
  • Michael, old course, tells about Level-of-Details on modular components. The same for the Orc course Low and Highpoly models.
  • Checking your materials helps also, things like vonoroi-node consumes a lot of memory and computing power.

And of course, it can be a bug in Blender and or your current Blender configuration. In that case, start a new blank Blender file and import the stuff from the original file (main menu > append). Slowly recreate the scene and see if the problems are solved.

For creating large scenes, you do need more Blender knowledge and experience to get the result you want. It has nothing to do with supercomputers. But be creative in the way Blender solves problems.


One solution you could try is using the weight painting for the trees. This will allow you to have the same instance of the tree without having to render and calculate all the vertices of numerous trees. Through this method you could have a forest from making only one tree. I haven’t set this up in a while myself, however I have provided a link to demonstrate the idea:

If you have any more questions, I’ll be glad to answer them. :+1:

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Hey thanks , basically I am trying to get used to with geo nodes so I have scattered throughout geo nodes the trees which are far away and I used weight paint for the close ones and a few were manually placed.

So orignal plan was to add stones and few small plants in the scene with a old broken building being the main part but I noticed that my Ram was 87% used in view port so I used fedpete advice and tried to render everything sperate.
1st I tried switching off the coloections being in same scene that didn’t work
2nd I separated every collection into different scene that also didn’t work don’t know why
3rd I got an idea to make sperate blend files for each scene and I tried important distant trees into new file and render it that also didn’t work. I tried searching online for solutions but everyone is suggesting to render separately which also isn’t working for me the. I got distracted
So if you think of anything else do share

Another point I am using small scanned models which were very high quality that I have discribed I have minimized the vertix or triangle quantity to as low as I could keeping render result same.
Its just now that my textures are 8k and there to manny leaves (which later I basically minimised by 40-50% and got the above result)
I am happy that now I have gone through some exercise but will like to complete the whole scene which I sketched.

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In this render you can see background from between the trees and I initially wanted a jungle where you can’t see background other then from top
I am using sky texture build in with blender so maybe it will be less load.

I also did alt+D to duplicate so it should copy the old textures and not create new from scratch


One other possibility to render the whole scene (similar to rendering separately) is to bake the textures (colors, normal maps, and shadows) to the ground. That way, the shadows will already be on the ground (no need to have them calculated) and you can bake the trees separately. However, I have not used geo nodes before, so this method may conflict with this idea (not sure). Still, it doesn’t hurt to mention it. If I come up with more ideas I’ll let you know. Excellent scene by the way. :+1:


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