Render animation

I am not sure what happen?
I tried to use the original blend file to render animation (tutorial from Youtube), is working fine.
But when I tried with the blend file I created (my own work), it cannot render animation.

original file : E04 Rigged v2.blend (579.5 KB)

my file : E04 Rigged v2TEST.blend (766.0 KB)

anyone please help, thank you very much.

Hi Siew_Wun_Lee

You have sequencer enabled in your post processing section. Remove that and you can render your animation :slight_smile:

One note too: The walk cycle is backwards now…

Cheers, Jax

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thanks @Jax, its working fine now.

Btw I am wonder why it is backwards, I follow exact the tutorial.
I solved the problem with copy the last keyframes till the first keyframes.

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