I’m following the Shooting Rockets part of the Alien Attack video and noticed that after pressing the spacebar a few times to instantiate rockets that when looking at the Remote Scene tree I can see the first instanced Rocket node is labelled ‘Rocket’ and then subsequent Rockets are labelled @Area2D@2, @area2D@3 etc. instead of @Rocket@2, @Rocket@3 etc. They have taken the name of the node type rather than from the name “Rocket” I have given them. It’s a minor point and not sure if I’ve missed something or this is a change in Godot?
So to be clear the Remote Scene tree looks like this on first running the game:
- root
- Game
- Background
- Player
- Sprite2D
- CollisionShape2D
- Rocket
- Sprite2D
- CollisionShape2D
After pressing spacebar once:
- root
- Game
- Background
- Player
- Sprite2D
- CollisionShape2D
- Rocket
- Rocket
- Sprite2D
- CollisionShape2D
Then further spacebar pressed shows:
- root
- Game
- Background
- Player
- Sprite2D
- CollisionShape2D
- Rocket
- @Area2D@2
- @Area2D@3
- Rocket
- Sprite2D
- CollisionShape2D
I guess because the first instanced Rocket is called ‘Rocket’ that additional ones are grouped underneath?