Remesh breaks mesh

I saw this seems to be an issue from time to time with Blender.

After the Remesh:

Before the Remesh

Remesh settings and Mirror modifier

I’d like to understand what causes this.
In the meantime, I might redo the chest cube. and see what happens.


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I think it occurs when you have a non manifold object.
meaning somewhere there is a hole in the mesh.
maybe apply mirror …?


As said this is usually a result of non manifold mesh, holes in it or other glitches.


Applying the mirror modifier fixed it. Thank you.

(not … see below)


Still, it would be interesting to see when this should have happened. I followed the course and didn’t do anything fancy, just 2-3 loop cuts.

Out of interest, before applying the mirror modifier I added and applyed a Remesh modifier, to see if this behaves differently than the Ctrl+R one. It did.

Looks like a toilet seat :rofl:

Have a creative weekend.

Nope. The moment after applying the mirror modifier, and then applying Remesh again, it breaks.

I’ll rebuild the cube and move on.

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Hmm… there is more going on.

Oh, and all centered objects break when using remesh.




Does your half mirrored object inner (hidden) faces?
in your mirror modifier do you merge center vertices on?
Did you use extrude, and maybe then doubles?

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These are all good questions.

  1. Maybe when moving vertexes something got messed up. Not sure why this should have happened for all four objects. The head was made from a new cube.
  2. Yes. Clipping and merge. Played with the merge value.
  3. Nope, just loop cuts. And I ran a merge by distance with a pretty wide margin.

I check face orientation too. That’s fine. However, after a remesh, faces area alll over the place, or missing. And there is now inner geometry. Interestingly in edit mode the outer mesh still looks ok. Besides a bunch of new vertices.

Not sure where these verticescome from after the remesh.

I think I messed up at one point. Maybe it is easier to redo the body and log the steps.

Again, thank you for your help - appreciated :smiley:

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I’ve tried to redo some of this remesh steps involved (if I think so).
Can not reproduce your problem.

Maybe start with a new fresh .blend file and import the trouble some object in the new file to check if it still happens.

So, I fixed it. By deleting the parts and starting over. For the middle (green part) I started with a plane, and extruded and scaled it downwards. Ran a merge by distance from time to time, just in case.

I managed to recover the head - by applying the mirror mod 1st, then add the subdivision modifier. And before starting to sculpt, apply that one too - as in the video.

Thx again for all the help.

  • Ray
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