Remember to Add a Border to the Orange Neon Square in the Sprite Editor

If your ‘Correct Answer’ button sprite looks weird after it swaps in the neon_square_orange sprite, remember to add a border in the sprite editor exactly the same as the neon_square_blue sprite.

This was shown in the “Button Layout (9:53)” lecture for the blue sprite but wasn’t discussed for the orange sprite.

Just a heads up for those of you who may have a weird-looking orange button like mine!


Thank you!!! This was driving me nuts. I knew the button image was ‘sliced’ but I could not figure out how to do this for my QuizCanvas sprites.

For others wanting simple steps:

  • Select the sprite in the Asset tab
  • Click Sprite Editor in the Inspector tab
  • In the Border section, add the L, T, R and B that you have for the first sprite
  • Close the Sprite Editor and save.


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