Sure, it does, I will keep that in my mind for the future 
So here is the code and Since, I might not be able to present my code in a way that you would like me to, but still I’ll give it a best shot.
If we look the at the header file for Bulls and Cows that is BullCowCartridge.h, we have been using this file to make certain changes or declare the functions in our main cpp file. Right?
So, what I am trying to portray here is, when I am declaring the function that is void ProcessGuess(FString Guess); , it throws an error as it is not being accepted by the compiler. SO here is the bit of the code, for better understanding.
void UBullCowCartridge::ProcessGuess(FString Guess)
if (Guess == HiddenWord)
PrintLine(TEXT(" You win !! "));
So, my concern, is when, I am running or compiling the code, it throws an error stating that /Users/prateekoswal/Downloads/BullCowGame-starter-kit-2 4.26/Source/BullCowGame/BullCowCartridge.h:19:7: note: ‘ProcessGuess’ declared here
void ProcessGuess(FString Guess); // this statement is not getting accepted by the compiler
And that can be seen the screenshot as well which I pasted above. So, please if you understand, my point here, please try to help me out with this error.