Regarding the Advice on Finding Flow

Greetings Rick,

I have been following along on the Finish It course for about a week now and have enjoyed it greatly!

I have been working on my first long-form gaming project, and although it had been going fairly well previously, the course has provided me with advice that has helped boost my drive and productivity.

I do have a suggestion for the video on “Finding Flow” : one of the pieces of advice given on how to potentially keep one’s work flow is to hold off on meals until the current task is finished. I do think that it can be helpful if the person is, say, capable of finish the task in less than 20 min and right after can go eat, or if it’s some snack at the middle of the day.

However, I believe that spending long periods of time without having an essential meal can be potentially unhealthy to the body and mind, even negatively affecting productivity later on - and I speak from experience on this front! Naturally, I do not think at all that you had any intent of suggesting something that could be harmful! I think it just bears mention that, at times, people can go a bit to the other extreme and neglect basic needs in favor of a task at hand.

Therefore, I do not think that it’s an intrinsically bad piece of advice, but it should come with the caveat that, if the task is taking too long, it should be better to go eat first and then come back to it, even if it means disrupting the flow for a moment.

Once again, this has been a great course, and I am intent on following through it until the end.

Thank you very much for your hard work!

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