Reflections Challenge

Why are my bishop’s notches showing?


Because you left them there?
Two options, delete them.
Or hide them from rendering. Top right of the outliner is a little funnel icon. Clicking it lets you add other options to sit alongside the eye of hide in the viewport. The camera icon needs adding. Then in the outliner click the camera icon to off for the notches. Then it will not be rendered in a proper render.

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Nice reflection.

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So deleting them only resulted in them being removed with no notch in the bishop. Adding the option to hide in viewport/render to the outliner did not work because it was a shown in the outliner as a “subset” or “indented” and didn’t have the option available… only at the higher level which was the whole piece. I figured it out though; I had to select the notch, go to the object properties and deselect “show in viewports and renders” under Viewport Display. Thanks.

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Ah yes. Ok to delete them you just needed to have applied the Boolean modifier.

I am supprised the filter was not available, Never come across that before. I wonder if it is related to it being ‘active’, in use, with the boolean? As a seperate object it needs to be to operate the booleon it should have had its filter to use.

A very basic test set up shows the filter available. It is active in the boolean. So Um. It is a mystery! :smile:

Because you need to apply the boolean modifier first. Because this is a destructive action you save you .blend file with a new version number. But your solution is also good (better even).

My modifiers were all applied, though I didn’t save them as a new version. Here’s my screenshot for the other issue. Not incredibly important since I found a solution that works. Thanks! Example|690x317

Ah that is the mesh data, the green triangle.
It has to be the higher level the object.

It is also named ‘white bishop’ which would be the chess piece rather than the notch cutter that must be a separate object. Well unless you named the cutter as that. I suspect guessing from a distance, you are not selecting the cutter ‘object’ to hide.

“Cylinder.001” is an indication that you’ve made a duplicate instead of a linked-duplicate, The last one re-uses a mesh data block. This can easily be changed and it will be explained somewhere in the course.

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