Reference Plane is pink instead of showing Pawn image after lesson 73

When I went to load in my completed pawn base after Lesson 73, the reference plane is now bright pink (below) and not showing my Pawn image. The reference image shows pink in Object Mode, LookDev.
Pink Reference Plane

Compared to what has always shown.

Pawn Section 4 Reference

I tried loading some previous .blend files that always showed the pawn reference plane fine and they all show the pink plane image now.

If I start Blender fresh, then File/Import/Image as Planes and choose my Pawn reference image, it loads and shows fine.

I tried deleting my pawn reference image plane and doing File/Import/Image as Planes but it’s still pink when I do that.

Anyone know how to get my pink reference image plane to show the pawn image again?


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This happened to me once, it was caused because I moved the file to another folder so the material keeps looking for it in the same place, maybe if you delete that material and create a new one you’ll be able to re-import your reference image.

To get more help from more knowledgeable people on this particular subject, try editing your post, it currently says Unity Courses, change it to Blender, that way more " blender people" will see this and help you with your issue.

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This occurs when you have moved your ref photo do a different folder.
I recall at some point in the chess set lessons , we were told to reorganise
our files to have a better file structure. It was probably whilst doing this , you
moved your ref photo to a new folder.
I had the same issue . I also found that moving the ref photo back to its original folder didnt solve the issue ‘everytime’ . I found the best way was to delete the ref and then re-import as a plane.
Hope this helps solve your issue

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When Blender show a purple image, object. It means it is missing information.
Like, can not locate the image.

Blender stores reference to a file in a relative way. Like folder up, select folder ‘X’, etc…
Relocating your original .blend file will confuse this relative path. Hence no image found, purple feedback.
Also renaming, relocating your image will also result in purple image feedback.
Also, network drives can have sometimes also different names. Like windows Drive letters.“C”, “D”, …

Some systems (Windows vs Linux) see a difference in capital letters or not.
Some many ways to miss the image in a blend file.

Fill the correct path to the image here.

Thank you! A friend of mine had me go into the UV Editor, Add Image (my Pawn Reference Image), go back into 3D Viewport, Material Properties, Open the drop down next to Base Color, and select My Pawn Reference Image then Open Image.

I’m betting I did rearrange my folders recently.


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