[Refactored] Chase Range System + Stop Overlapping

Because of my Enemy Chase Range system I had to keep the movement code out of the Parent Class.
Here’s an update version:

void Enemy::tick(float deltaTime)
    lastPos = worldPos; 
    velocity = Vector2Subtract(target->getScreenPos(), getScreenPos());

    attackRangeRec.x = getScreenPos().x - attackRangeRec.width / 2;
    attackRangeRec.y = getScreenPos().y - attackRangeRec.width / 2;

        if(!CheckCollisionRecs(GetCollisionRec(), target->GetCollisionRec()))
            // Movement Code
            if (Vector2Length(velocity) != 0.0) // Only move when velocity isn't = 0
                currentSheet = runSheet;
                worldPos = Vector2Add(worldPos, Vector2Scale(Vector2Normalize(velocity), moveSpeed));
                //Change facing direction
                if (velocity.x < 0.f) {rightLeft = -1.f;}
                else if(velocity.x > 0.f) {rightLeft = 1.f;}
        else {currentSheet = idleSheet;}
        currentSheet = idleSheet;        


I also had to move lastPos = worldPos out of the BaseCharacter::tick() function, otherwise the undoMovement() function stops working and so do the map boundaries and prop collision.


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