Reduced Dragon Head and Finished Fine Detail

As suggested, I reduced the size of my Dragon’s head and have finished the fine detail…now on to the baking part…sounds a bit scary and rather involved…I have saved my project numerous times throughout the process so if I totally mess up the next step I have plenty of saved files to fall back on. :slight_smile:


Looking magnificent.
Good saving practice.

baking is sort of complicated everything has to be done right and in the right order. Though if you do not want the model for games or animation, in the end you can just not make a low poly version. For example 3d printing it would not want lower poly, faked visuals of baking do not print out!


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Missed that I will move it, easiest way.

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Thank you! Very interesting to know.

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Thank you…I am new here and did not realize that.


In the ‘Show’ section, you get more views.


Decent looking dragon. Good Job.

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