Recompile Error in Toon Tanks course


In the 2nd tutorial lesson I am trying to add the C++ Pawn but it keeps saying I need to recompile and now when I try load the project itself it is telling me it Modules are missing or built with a different Engine Version, and when I hit yes to rebuild it says could not be compiled try rebuilding from source manually. Can I have some help with this please?

That would imply you have a compilation and you should look in Saved > Logs for the log as it should say what’s wrong.

I do not know much about C++ and that so I am not sure what I am supposed to be looking for here. but from what I see in the log, it says LogWindows: Failed to load “VtuneApi.dll” (GetLastError=o), File VtuneApi.dll does not exist, , File VtuneApi32e does not exist. and closer to the bottom it says framework "Microsoft NETCore app version 6 was not found

That would be your error, you need to install .NET 6

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