Realms - Update at End of Course

I thought I’d post an snapshot of what I built during the course. I freelanced off in some directions. Enemies attack back when attacked. My camera follow script changes orientation to follow the Player and distance to avoid obstructions (needs more work). Thanks to Ben and Rick and helpful comments from other students, I learned a lot.


Nice job!!

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This is the way to go!

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While ı watch this ı find myself on floor!!! :laughing: ı mean in a good way .The sound effects makes me crack up and the all enemy animations. Well anyway overall


This is quite good for a start! Hopefully you are considering a little texture other than flat colors but even that can work if that is the style of the game. It is neat seeing where we all end up after this course. Each person has some cool stuff they added on that was not part of the course like say the throwing grenades here and the save system in my game atm lol. Also been hitting the asset store and integrating some stuff in that way too.

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I went for the flat shaded low-poly look because I like the style and it is much less effort to create the assets. I can quickly apply a color pallete without the need to tweal UV’s and paint textures.

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