Re-targeted Cube to Ball rig

This was really straight forward and the re-target worked as expected. The only problem I seem to be having is that both the Cube and the Ball do not have a realistic bounce. So, I am probably not getting the timing of the bounces correct. Also, I notice just as the ball hits the floor, it looks to slow down before squashing. I am not quite sure how to fix that. It must be something in the graph editor but when I fiddle with that the squash looks worse than where I have it set now. I tried adjusting the timing on the scale and location but I still can’t seem to get it to look natural.

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This is looking good, I like the little jiggle at the end, certainly getting there.

When I look at it I think the ball is stretching vertically too soon, e.g. it could fall a little bit further before stretching

When it hits the ground it, I think it needs to be a little lower, e.g. the bottom of the ball is flattened, I think Mikey did this in one of the videos earlier in the course (I think), I seem to recall he brought the ball below 0 on the plane, then moved the bottom vertices back up to be level with the plane.

Thank you Rob. I will give that a try! :slight_smile:

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I did some more studying of the lectures centered around this topic and found what was causing me not to get the Armature to append to my file. Simply, I was not appending the correct armature. I needed to get the armature of the object to append to the new blend file. I also worked on the graph editor to make the bounces seem a little more realistic though the stretch is still overly done.

Here is the new bouncing ball animation. What I learned here was that you really do need to pay attention when following a lecture. Mike does a great job at that. Too bad I don’t always hear what he is saying. :frowning:

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Love the texture you have on this, awesome beach ball! :slight_smile:

As you say, the stretch is perhaps a little harsh, but the bounce on the floor is looking really good, definitely a big step forward from the former video. Well done Richard :slight_smile:

Here is one last Beach Ball. I tried to make it look a bit more realistic. It ends abruptly (only 3 seconds) and obviously it would bounce quite a bit longer. It is almost mesmerizing when I work on this. I tend to watch it run on and on just staring at it. Hmmm…

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hehe, I know what you mean with regards to mesmerizing… nice work again Richard :slight_smile:

Well I don’t have sound but thought I’d share my challenge Mpeg from a complete beginner.

Interesting, nice bounce. It gets really flat though :laughing:


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