Re-Rigging devastation

@ben I think this lecture needs revisiting.

I and, judging by the topics in this discussion, a significant portion of other students have absolutely destroyed their rigging and animation by following your steps. The mesh explodes all over the place when applying the modifier or playing the animation. I have managed to rig the new mesh but had to delete the animation which is a pain since it took me all day yesterday to create it.

I think it has to do with applying Loc/Rot/Scale and the origins of the mesh objects and the armature before re-rigging but i couldnt figure it out to save the animation.

Please do include a section to explain and fix this problem!

[Edit] @Mobilephoria @ben and for everybody reading this in search for answers: apply Rotation/Location/Scale to all mesh objects before joining them into single mesh. worked for me.


Yep, had the same thing happen. I am not sure why it is happening, but I am looking on the interwebs to see if I can find an answer.

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@Michael_Bridges could you take a look at this Mikey, see if there’s a patch you could make to help people?

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Yes it would be nice :confused:

Update : I have been able to stop the model from exploding by re-parenting the rig to the model after applying animation. I deparented it first using Alt + p so as to have the option to keep transforms in the tool options (as someone pointed out)

Interestingly, Michael does mention in Lecture 38 (yep, all the way back in Section 2) the importance of applying the Location, Rotation, and Scale to your model when dealing with a number of things in Blender, Including Animation

Yes that lecture was inserted to help with various issues with animation and particle systems students were having when they were editing their meshes in Object mode and not applying those changes.

Applying Rotation/Location/Scale to the meshes doesn’t seem to make a difference for me.
I can’t join my meshes without everything moving and rotating and deleting keyframes.

There is a bunch of stuff happening that I don’t understand now.
This is turning into such a messy ending for this section :confused:

It’s apparently very important that the pose when you rejig is the same as the rest pose or the rest pose itself. I had decided to ignore Michael’s instruction to apply “apply pose as rest pose” and keep the starting pose of animation different from the rest pose. I had no end of issues with my model flying apart or something like that until I rejigged the model with the armature in rest pose.

So, has there been an official answer? It sounds like I’m hearing the answer to be “re-do” it.

I had similar issues with my lamp until I realised that I needed to set pose as rest pose.

Also my stretch bones shrank so all I did was to go to pose mode, relengthen my bones, then go to object mode and scale the meshes linked to those bones to the right place until they both lined up.

Then I went to edit mode and checked that everything was the same there as in pose and object mode.

I again reset current pose as my rest pose and my bones didn’t move and my mesh worked as I wanted it to.

One clue that you’ll have problems when joining your mesh with the armature modifier is when the eidt mode is different to object and pose mode.

It’s not a good idea to apply location if you have a complicated rig. That caused me so many problems.
Scale and rotation should be sufficient (from my experience anyway).

Hope that helps.

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