Re-linking error

After re-linking an object, renaming library and changing path to re-named .blend file, I get the following error message:
How can I fix it?

Do you save your incremental files as you progress (i.e. example 001, example 002, etc.) or, do you save over the old one? If you save incremental files, you should be able to append the object (if it existed in that file) to the one you are working on.

At first, I link a new object into scene, making it proxy, and making Object Data link.
Mesh link changes as expected:

Then I rename corresponding library and changing path to the new file:

But in the objects, SM_Wall_Door still exists, and proxy still holds SM_Wall_Door reference.

Me too. Same issue. Still waiting for the solution.

That seems to be a bug in Blender as Blender doesn’t recognize correctly that these links are not needed anymore. I had the same issue and indeed there is no link in my project anymore but I still got the error warning.
After looking for a while I found a solution:
You can delete the broken links when you go to the Outliner and instead of ‘All Scenes’ choose ‘Blender file’. There are all links listed and you can easily delete the broken ones.

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Thank you, this worked for me. A bit tedious, but at least I can try and manage it better now.

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