
there are8 cube 2black2yellow2blue2red swap same color cube by using raycasting


In which course and lecture are you? And do you have any question/problem? Or did you just want to show what you did?

hi I am completed all your 2D and 3D course and I am finish and published my first game 3d flappy bird
and now I going to work my new project so only i ask doubt and find the solution thanks

I like to learn environment design and can suggest me any course or ideas to achieve my dream

@Marc_Carlyon, what would you recommend?

Thanks Nina,

For unity specifically we do have a course that uses unity’s game asset pack kit to create environments that i believe will help you and with the coupon it should give you a discount.
The link for this is below.

We also have a course on Udemy taught by Wilmer Lim about unity lighting which i feel would be very beneficial to your learning as well


This may be on discount with Udemy at the moment if you have an existing account there.

Hope these help

thank you

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