Raycast max distance

I see you use float.MaxValue to get the max distance; I was wondering if there is any drawbacks to using float’s special values of float.PositiveInfinity in place of using float.MaxValue?

I don’t think there is. Perhaps a few milliseconds in processing because float.PositiveInfinity is not actually a number and needs to be processed a little different, but I could be wrong.

Hmm I’ve never used float.PositiveInfinity, it appears to be what you get if you add something onto float.MaxValue
Both are essentially “infinite” so I don’t think there’s any difference.

The only time I have seen it used is as a result of dividing a float (or double) by float zero; since they are floating points(excluding Decimal since it does not use special values) it will not give an error; instead it will result in positive or negative infinity (depending on the signs of the nominator or denominator because zero can be positive or negative.) But, since I am not really sure what it will do when used to calculate max distance it would probably be safer to go with your approach instead.

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