lol I feel you fam, I feel ya…
Word of advice though, the “never have the bugs” approach is a bit too idealistic…
lol I feel you fam, I feel ya…
Word of advice though, the “never have the bugs” approach is a bit too idealistic…
I don’t mean it literally, just if you stick to patterns you know and understand then the bugs are not giant headscratchers as often. you intuitively know how to debug them. they really just feel like gentle refactors. the entire process is trial and error, no way to have literally no bugs.
man I have to say @Fitz0Fury , you are a GENIUS… I was thinking a bit ahead of myself (again) about how will I implement boss fights, and then I literally remember everything I learned from you in this conversation, about the “Strategy” Pattern, and how we can actually recycle code if we are using it for multiple boss fights. We create one abstract class, with virtual functions, and override them to change them individually for each boss. It’s optimal, fast and probably won’t get any better
YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE A GENIUS! (But I will ABSOLUTELY need Brian’s help when I get to it soon. For now I’m just happy to get the idea in mind, at least I know I’m learning something new out of this )
If there was a sure fire way to never have any bugs, I would be out of a job!
well at least now I know you read my last comment at least…
thanks, but i wouldn’t say genius. I did stumble into Strategy, but other than that its just been following coursework mostly on GDTV. @Brian_Trotter can testify i am beating my head against a wall implementing an event system, that calls back to my core stat system, before compiling entities into my factory for about a week now!
that abstract into a strategy is one of the big designs i lean on. I’m not saying it solves all of your problems, but a factory, strategy, and observer system couple with a few generics and interfaces will build a massive amount of your game architecture. when you practice simple/naive implementations of it you get better at it. My system especially re-uses abstracts + interfaces, to the point that more than once i have had to ask Brian if i was golden hammering something.
P.S. Brian i found something in my notes for the Compiler (from way back in September when i started planning this). I might have a solution to run past you in a day or two lol.
that’s literally all of us. Brian is carrying an entire community as we speak, and I have no idea how. I’m just glad we have him, bixarrio and other incredibly helpful friends here. This project would literally turn into Mission Impossible otherwise!
I’m just waiting for his next ‘Impact States’ lecture as we speak. If we are following the time cycle, it should be out today (and I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope he addresses the Ranged and Magic systems next, xD)
let’s keep this open as well, JIC