Ran into issues while live coding

I encountered an issue while following Lecture 93 on Blueprint Callable. Everything was going perfectly until this point, but suddenly, #include in both Grabber and Mover started showing errors. I’ve attached a screenshot for clarification. Could you help resolve this issue?

Also one small thing. everytime when i am reopeing the files I have to link the C++ files with the project file manually and attach them again with the wall or BP_player.


You need to do Tools > Refresh VS Code project in Unreal whenever you add new files.

You need to build with Unreal closed before you re-open it if you used Live Coding, see the Live Coding Issues lecture and be sure you use the right task, the one with Editor in the name.

I am okay with that issue, could you help me with the “#include errors detected”. I am unable find any solution for it.

That should be resolved by what I first said. Could you show your full window please?

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