Built a rail missile launcher and missile asset for a spaceship i am making…its not done yet will make this missile look a bit more real…not so smooth and perfect…feel stupid asking this but…got a question about making something a bright white…for some reason i can’t make a bright white material…it turns out either is grey or transparent…whats the trick to making a glossy bright white? any ideas anyone?
Well, I’ll just go through the usual tricks:
1: Take off any other nodes that you’re running through to test its whiteness (Like if you’re using a glossy shader or mix shader, remove the line til you’ve made sure it’s white.) The shader you want to use is Diffuse shader!
2: Select the colour, and make sure the side brightness slider is all the way to the top. The roughness should be 0, but it shouldn’t make a huge difference.
3: The mix shader will take away its whiteness gradually depending on what you’re mixing.
You should show us the actual nodes
Thanks Mcfuzz…here is a picture with the nodes showing… and rendered view in the 3d editor…see how its not really a bright white but sort of greyish…cant seem to get a perfect bright white no matter how much i mess with everything lol…im annoyed at myself as this should be easy haha Im sure its some stupid little thing like wrong placement of lighting or something dumb like that!
Well, I’m not a cycles expert, but I just don’t think it can be any whiter than it is above. Try upping the colour of the world to a whiter colour to get a brighter colour overall in the scene.
I guess your right.I will give your world suggestion a go…maybe if i change the background to a darker colour the white will look whiter haha i like the missile in black anyways…just wanted to figure the white thing out for future reference…
Well, the deal with cycles world colour is that it changes the ‘tone’ of the scene. The ambient colours play a big part in cycles, so if you want it whiter, turn it up.
Again; not a professional. This is just a method I use to brighten my colours in cycles.
Thanks mate, greatly appreciate the advice, giving it a go now
Hey rsarka, always keep in mind that Lights makes all the difference, try to set background a little brighter, set up a better lightning or use an HDRI to achieve and see if gets better, after that you can tweak your material nodes to get the result you want.
Remember what white is, and that where is grey right now is because isn’t well lighten.
I made a few tests, look how and HDRI is different from a single default lamp (same material)
Hope it helped =)
Lucas & Macfuzz…many thanks for your advice…both helped and got me going in the right direction and helped me figure it out…Thanks guys!
maybe try making your plane a diffuse white colour? It could be reflecting the grey of the plane