Radial Force What is that?

Is there difference between these two methods of using Radial Force ?

The First Method is:
Adding Radial Force by “Add Component” button in UE Editor and then change the properties of it

The Second Method is:
Do not add any Radial Force by UE Editor but using this code
Missile->AddRadialForce(Origin, 1000, 500)

  1. That’s creating a brand new component
  2. That would be using one you declared in C++

Mr @DanM, Are that two methods same ?

No, the first one you created a component in blueprint and did nothing with it. The second one you called a function on something you already declared.

In code all you did in the first “method” is

URadialForceComponent* ExplosionForce;
ExplosionForce = CreateDefaultSubobject<URadialForceComponent>(TEXT("ExplosionForce"));

And that’s it it’s not doing anything.

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Thanks @DanM
I’m sorry if my questions are duplicate or trivial
But even the second method when i used, it do did nothing !! Why?

Could I see your code?

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