Rabbit.Layering Particles.Grass

Added Grass texture from Assets to the ground, inspired by another submission.

2nd Image, Updated particle positions and quantities, plus change colour of seed grass to make it stand out more.

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:+1: Iā€™m not sure you will go further on this project. But you should! It has potential.
I know this challenge is difficult due to render times, memory. But you base is good, so continue.
Fill in the gray border, and give some texture to the tree trunk!

Have fun.

Thank you for the kind words. I do intend to continue with the lessons for the sapling add on to replace the tree and I had the intention of putting a texture on the wall and shaping it a bit to look more like a stone wall. Yes the current render time was long and I had to change to CPU as the CUDA render crashed, but I may just reduce the number of different grass particle systems per the lesson and have just one or two types in total, that will hopefully reduce render time. I will see how it goes. :+1:

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