Quiznos Pizza (not really)

My topic will be Computer Engineering.

Here are some example questions that may or not be in my game.

  1. What is the purpose of a compiler?
    a. To execute code on the CPU
    b. To convert high-level code to machine code
    c. To connect to a network
    d. To manage memory allocation

  2. What is the difference between a switch and a router?
    a. A switch connects computers in a network, while a router connects networks
    b. A switch connects networks, while a router connects computers in a network
    c. A switch manages data flow, while a router manages network traffic
    d. A switch provides internet access, while a router provides file sharing

  3. Which language is commonly used for creating web applications?
    a. C++
    b. Python
    c. HTML
    d. JavaScript

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