Quiz Topic - The Trait Finder 2000

I plan to make a quiz like the one in Fallout 3 where you decide your characters traits by how you answer the questions. The questions will be designed to identify traits of an RPG character such as Charisma, Sneak, or Combat ability.

This sounds cool, how did you get on with this?

Unity Play | Quiz Game Iteration #2 game

Nice! I ended up getting:

How did you find the quiz module? Have you considered adding music to your quiz or sound effects?

The quiz module was just the right amount of complexity to learn the topics that we covered like scriptable objects, creating and interacting with UI elements in code, and setting up a basic timer.

I had not yet considered adding music or sounds effects to the quiz. However I made some sounds effects for the 2D platformer that I built through this course here: Unity Play | Simple 2D Platformer game.

If you have any recommendations for background music for either of these games, I’d love to hear about them. I don’t necessarily have the setup currently to produce my own background music.

That’s very reassuring to read. I think I got a little confused near the end of the snowboard game, so I’m hoping I’ll keep up with the quiz. The 2D platformer looks very fun and reminds me that I’m terrible with platformers! I struggled to avoid those blob monsters!

For background music, I have used for free commercial music on https://pixabay.com/ for game jams. If a license allows editing of music tracks/sound effects, I might use the free program Audacity to help me add echo effects/distortion, modifying sound volume, etc. I am not familiar with https://www.bandlab.com/ but I’ve seen it recommended to beginner game design students to get a taste of music production for free.

May I ask how your game design progress is going in general? Are you working on a particular project at the moment that you’d like to share?

I’ve been doing game jams with a friend and other people during the last month or two. I’m looking to do more. Meanwhile, I am working on tutorials like this one and developing an idea I have for a game that I want to build.

For the game I want to build, I am working a lot on building out the story and writing up the tasks that need to get done to have a final product. This uses more dialogue design and project management skills than anything else.

Otherwise, I occasionally knock out some tougher tutorials like on how to procedurally generate a level, I’ve worked through two of these, and some of the more advanced tutorials directly from unity.

This is a game I made with a tutorial directly from Unity: Unity Play | My 2D Roguelike game. And this is a game I made for one of my game jams with a team: Unity Play | No Candy! game.

I think game jams are an excellent learning opportunity for learning the game design process and filling in gaps of knowledge. I felt the No Candy! game was a little spooky! Do you have any particular game jams that you recommend?

I’ve been in 4 game jams so far. There is one group that does them pretty regularly called Jame Gams. Another community I have joined is the tooling.gg community which also does regular game jams focused more on specific tools each time. You can find some game jams here: Game jams - itch.io.

I just finished the last module in this course and this is my version of the lazer defender game: Unity Play | Space Invaders Lookalike game

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