Quiz master got me depressed

I’ve been writing code for almost 7 months and I was writing code before I started Unity, and yet Quiz Master made it hard for me. My main goal was to make games like this, so I had to understand quiz master, but I had a lot of difficulty and I need a solution. I strongly ask them to do it from the beginning, and I want to ask users where I can learn how to make a game like this. There are very few resources and this makes me very sad, as I understand, everyone is complaining about the quiz master as much as I do, please change this section and users who want to reach me can reach me via discord Lydian♤# 7383

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You’re not saying what you struggled with except that it was hard. What difficulties did you have? What did you not understand?

what causes it is not explained what we write is not explained what we do is not explained how we do it so I don’t know what the code I wrote means and this pushes me not to learn

I don’t know about statistics, but I’ve seen complaints about that section, out of curiosity I gave it a quick glance and saw that there’s a huge spike in difficulty from previous sections.

I suggest taking the other sections of the course, after that return to the Quiz Master section.

Another thing you can do is use these forums. Ask as many questions as you’d like, people here are more than willing to answer your inquiries.

Don’t get discouraged, you can totally do this :grinning:

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