Quiz 10

Guys, another one: Quiz 10, Question 1: "How do you navigate around the scene like a first person game?:

  1. Using the Spacebar? No.
  2. Using ALT + Mouse? No. That’s zooming.
  3. Using the arrow keys? Partly… You can move inwards/outwards and pan left and right (perspective) or just pan i any direction (iso), but you cannot rotate the view unless you stop pressing the arrows. In contrary, using WASD keys let’s you move and rotate simultaneously as in a first-person shooter game by using ALT + right mouse button + W/A/S/D. You can also use Q or E then to lower or elevate the view (movement along Y-axis).
  4. Using the hand tool? No. That’s panning.

I have updated it to say “Using the arrow keys and mouse.”. Does that make it clearer?

Yes it does, but still it is not a first-person shooter style. To make it so you should be able to rotate and move simultaneously. Notice it is not possible with arrows at all (you can either move with arrows or turn with mouse). Using WASD you can both move around, elevate or lower the view and rotate and use the shift button to speed up at the same time. Uber useful stuff :slight_smile:

I’m not sure I understand what you mean about not being able to move both. I seem to be able to in this video.

Exactly that. Strange… You get that with arrows + right click? I am using the same version of Unity, perspective view enabled and it does not work for me - I can either move the view with arrows (with or without shift) or right click to rotate it. Arrows do not respond while holding the right mouse button; Right mouse button does not respond while holding any of the arrow keys. On the other hand, using WASD (+Q/E) works perfectly fine (I can only then rotate and move simultaneously like in your video). Anything wrong with my Unity? :worried:

Ah, yes I was using WASD. Sorry I didn’t get that distinction. I will update the quiz.

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Sam, please revise quiz question no. 7/7. You can actually pan the camera using middle mouse button only, no matter if pressing it together with ctrl or alt. All 3 methods do the same thing.

Which quiz do you mean? There is no 7th question in the 7th quiz.

See thread topic :wink: Quiz 10, question 7/7 (7 out of 7).

Done. Let me know if that works for you.

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Yes. It’s good now.

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