Quick Ragdoll Death

EDIT: This is handled immediately in the next video in a different manner lol, but I’m I’ll leave it up because it was fun working through.

Hello, not sure if this is implemented later on but I just wanted to show you can quickly implement a ragdoll death on the character once health reaches zero.

First, it’s important that the skeletal mesh you are using has a physics asset built for it. The skeletal mesh needs its default collisions set to BlockAllDynamic. I followed the general steps in this tutorial but it is a blueprint tutorial so I decided to implement the same thing in C++.

Inside of your ShooterCharacter.h you would declare the function.

Then call the function inside of the TakeDamge function, my condition is if Health reaches 0 but of course you can create much more dynamic conditions.

The function itself follows the blueprint tutorial but instead uses their C++ counterparts.


Just a little fun extra addition! Changing the default weights of the physics material inside of the editor will result in a more realistic representation of a bipedal character falling down after being shot.

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