Quick question/Suggestion

So I try to exclusively stay with your courses since, from what I’ve experienced so far, it’s far easier to learn with the way you teach. I did the Blender course and I know so many people love Blender, and the teaching was great, i just couldn’t handle Blender anymore because the UI on it was too frustrating, so i switched to learning Maya. But the downside was that the teacher was not so good. Which means my choices were between 2 great teachers for a program I loath and a program I like with a bad teacher :frowning:

So my main question is: Can you please make a Maya course? I would do it all over again just because I’m positive I’d learn a lot more than the course i took. And maybe Zbrush? :smiley:

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Hey @AnthonyR87, the best thing to do would be to use the Course Content Voting site, put the idea forward, describe with good detail what you would want to see/learn, then vote it up! Best to probably then mention it here and on the Facebook group(s) linking to the voting site so that other students can see it and vote on it too. That said there may already be a suggestion for this!

Check it out…

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Thanks :smiley: will do

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…obviously any other ideas too :slight_smile:

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