Quick question about GetComponent() perfromance in Health script

A quick question about GetComponent(), I’ve been revisiting my learning and came across this video (looks like Unity official tutorial) saying GetComponent is expensive and should be called infrequently at 2:47; however in our Health script, GetComponent() has been called many times in everywhere and sometimes in Update() call related. Just wondering is this a matter we should be considered now or in a later stage when refactoring, or it is not an issue in terms of performance. Than you.

For prototyping a game, it’s ok to use GetComponent liberally, but yes, eventually these references will need to be cached. At least some of the references.
Here’s my general rule of thumb:

  • Always cache components attached to the same GameObject that you know will always be there. (Mover, Fighter, Animator, etc). Ideally your script should include a [RequireComponent] tag for each class. Once they are cached (preferably in Awake), you shouldn’t need to constantly null check them.
  • Sometimes cache components on another GameObject, but those references must be null checked before acting on them
  • Never cache state, these should always be calculated.

Thank you Brain for sharing your valuable knowledge. I’ve just tried your suggestions to refactor this Health script, they worked very well. Really learned a lot from all your previous comments to different students. Thanks a lot.

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