Questions during lecture Unreal Engine 5


I’m posting my question here cus I don’t like public question.

I’m lecture for Unreal Engine 5 course But I got a some question.

I’m interesting and like about Rendering module and Engine

You know If you want to make a Game, You should to rectify Engine or additions some function for your game. And

An Unreal Engine instructor teaching in Korea said

Unreal Engine is so big project So You can’t analyze this Engine.

I need some clarity on this.

I believe in the former.

I’m very curious how modifications and additions are made.

I know this letter can’t write everything but I need just only advice.

Thank you so much for read noob ask

You shouldn’t need to, no.

You can but it’s a very large code base and will take a long time to become familiar with parts of it, doubly so without paid support from Epic.

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