
Are these lessons we are learning specific to computers or even phones? Please reply, thank you

The script is not activated in the Unity engine, and when the player falls, nothing happens in the script…

Did you mark the circle collider as a trigger?

Hi houdayfa-korir,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Are these lessons we are learning specific to computers or even phones?

In the Unity 2D course, we learn how to make games for computers. We have a separate course for developing mobile games with Unity:

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The problem is that the English language is weak. I am from Morocco, and I would like it to be translated into Arabic because I want to learn how to make mobile games

I see. Unfortunately, we cannot enable any languages for the auto-captions on Udemy but you could ask the Udemy support if they could enable Arabic subtitles for you. This is our course on Udemy:

For this course, you need basic knowledge in Unity and C#. If you completed our Unity 2D course, you have that knowledge. If you learnt these things elsewhere, that’s also fine.

Regarding the course on our platform here, I don’t know if our team is able to enable subtitles in other languages. I’m just a teaching assistant, so I don’t know the technical side. You could message our team directly via Maybe they will be able to help you. :slight_smile:

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