I’ll mention about what I recognized in the PositionReporter.cpp (I used the name) before proceeding to the actual problem/question :
- Couple of header files
- A derived class ( Parent: UActorComponent )
- Few functions
Now the question part:
- What does Generated_Body() do?
- What is a “Tick” (Eg. TickComponent, bCanEverTick etc.)
- What is the purpose of this statement >
“UCLASS( ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent) )”
The problem part:
I was playing around in Unreal Engine, and unfortunately, instead of “Add Component” , I used “Add New”, which is used to create an asset. Is there any way to delete the C++ file and the class of the asset I created? (because the name PositionReport was to be used with the “Add Component” but now is being used with “Add New” asset.)
PS: I’ve a slight knowledge of C++, but if my questions make me look like I’m a newbie, please pardon me. I’ve tried to search few stuff on google myself before asking the questions, and about the problem, but didn’t get it.