Question regarding implementation in my project using new Input Manager


I’m posting here because I’m still in the learning phase and would like to have your point of view. In my project, I started to use the new input manager system. I have a script “Player Movement” which is attached to my Player GameObject. In this script, I set all the Inputs of the players as well as the movements (It is a 2D game). I created a SerializedField to insert the GameObject I would like to toggle on and off (to show or hide the canvas of Inventory) the same way you do in the ShowHideUI script.

In the Input manager I create a key bind called PressStart. The Goal is to toggle the Inventory by pressing Start button of the pad (which I can define in the input manager)

My question is, is it a good practice, to add the toggle in the OnPressStart method in my player movement instead of ShowHideUI script ?

It does work but I wonder if there is something I might break later on by doing this way or if it is a good habit to add all inputs related method in one single file. I’m beginner and try to grasp the best coding practices.

public class PlayerMovements : MonoBehaviour

    [SerializeField] private GameObject inventoryReference;

    private void OnPressStart()


(I didn’t put the full content of my scripts only the part that is matter.)


My preference is to create a subscription system… with the InputManager receiving inputs from the Input Component, and firing events

public class InputManager : MonoBehaviour
     public event Action StartButtonPressed;
     private void OnPressStart() //event set up in InputAsset

Now the ShowHideUI script would find the InputManager and subscribe to the StartButtonPressed event.

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