Hi !
During my WIP on the blender environment artist course “Medieval Houses” from Grant Abbit, I encountered a kind of issue. In fact, I already solve it, but I don’t know exactly why it happened.
It happened when I tried to mirroring my two roof beams.
Before that, I had to applied the roof rotation and then mirrored the roof part. Fortunatly, Grant showed us two simple ways to do it.
1 ) Either we could use an object to set the cursor and the origin at the center, and then mirrored it properly.
2 ) Or, we could have used the “eyedropper Data-block” tools to use an object as the center point.
I eventually decided to use the first technic to make it.
There come a time where I was in need to mirrored the two roof beams together.
In my case (with technic 1), by selecting all the pieces and then press Ctrl + L to link Data and transfer the roof modifier to the others one. It literally made a superposition on themselves (most certainly due to their rotation settings which are different from 0).
Then, after undo that, I tried the 2nd tecnic (without apply any rotation). Take the dropper, mirror my roof. Select all pieces in right order and then, link data to make a copy of the roof modifier.
It works !
As I said before, I didn’t apply the different rotation of my beams. However, the result is works well.
Any thoughts about it ? Thanks for your help.