Question on Course: [How To Get A Job In The Video Game Industry]

Course: How To Get A Job In The Video Game Industry

Okay so I have been asking this question so many times and never get an answer to it, I have gotten answers prior and after to this question on other questions but idk why this question gets ignored. I’ve been waiting for like a month but there is no reply, I sent private message in udemy as well but no answer, so my last resort and try and I really hope I can get an answer now… question is as follows:

Im wondering if I should include the games that I followed and learned to do through some of gamedev’s courses with Rick such as complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D and the RPG game etc. should those be included in the portfolio?
I mean I did follow along and understand coding and fundamentals but lets say I would start from scratch, I don’t think I am there yet where I could just write a script “oh I’m just gonna write a script for the enemy” and BAM it is done without even peeking a little of the RPG game that we built with the course.

But if I read the code and try to decipher it, I will understand most of it and what it does.

So would I still bring in the RPG game and the zombie FPS game we made or argan assault for example and then do small videos of them and edit the video putting notes saying “I did this, I did that” whereas I followed a coach and didn’t do it ALL by myself?

Please give me some feedback on this.


I apologize that you are not getting a response on the Udemy course, I will raise that with the teaching assistant that the course is assigned to.
Its perfectly fine to include the games that you made following the course but i would personally not present the projects exactly as they are in the course. I would make additional features and expand the game as much as you whilst documenting the changes that you made so you can prove that you understand the concepts that were taught in the course by putting that in practise.
If you think that you understand the concepts and present something you worked on in the course and get the job and then find out that you dont fully understand it then it could be an issue later on. (Not saying this is the case but they will need proof that you understand it and will be able to do it in a work environment)

Its okay to google and ask questions as even full time developers have to do that sometimes as we cant be expected to know everything all of the time :slight_smile:

Hope this helps

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