[Question] Multiple Ending Sprites?

Hi everyone! I have written, re-written, and written again a story, and now I think I have the perfect story, but as of yet, haven’t started coding it. In every version I have written, I couldn’t help but make an increasingly complex story, that had more and more options and endings. Every time I would research to “limited success” ways to accommodate the story in coding, often ending with me deciding it was too complicated for me to figure out. Now I really like my story and I can easily write it given the information provided in the lectures but it has multiple endings which isn’t problem and I’ll write it no matter the answers provided here.

I was wondering if it is possible to have one text controller pull up another one? The reason I want to know is, as stated before my story has many endings in fact, there are 8, anyways I want each ending Win or Lose to feel really personal like I cared enough to make the effort kind of deal. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ll also research it once I am finished writing all the code if no one answers.

I am using Monodevelop and Unity 4.6.9

Hi, Brandon!

I was going through the same thing: my story was complex and there were parts where I wanted to same action to be a win, but sometimes a loss or cause more time to tick away (I am going to implement a timer). In the end, I simplified my story to get it done, because, right now in my life, done is better than perfect.

What I was going to do was create a “dice roll” method that would return either a 0 or 1, or even true or false, randomly, to decide which it was going to be - win (with time subtracted) or loss (death).

Does ANY of that make sense?


Also, my best advice is to make a State Flow Diagram (like they do in the tutorials) or use a spreadsheet to keep track of states and which states can be accessed from which OTHER states. That’s what I did because my story was complex.

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Yeah that does make sense basically some kind of random generator that picks between multiple choices?

I did start with the state flow diagram but I guess my mind doesn’t work that way, because every time i would erase it, and remake it, it would be even more complex. I finally just settled for writing it out in a word document, step-by-step, and everything became simple. I just want to have endings that seem a bit more personal and based off of choices the player made then a generic you win or game over. I was asking about the sprites so I could create word art that would come up at the ending stating you escape with a message about their choices. Funny thing is I have 8 different endings for just getting out of the room the player is being held in.

I just found this (https://youtu.be/psja0kbnymk) he makes a random number generator.

imo, breaking the story down into logical states/scenarios on paper, or using an app would be beneficial and good practice to show how you would like the game to progress from section to section.

at the end of the day, the game only realy is concerned with a certain state, and its transition to another based on input.

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