[QUESTION] Making proxy, loosing modifiers

When you LINK an external mesh library, you mesh object seems to be complete. But you can not do much with it. So you create a PROXY, but then you loose your modifiers (well I did).
You get that the basic mesh object and need to re-apply all the modifiers.

Is there a way to overcome this?

An Idea I have is create a duplicate mesh object, in the LIB, where all modifiers are applied. This means an extra step in maintenance of the mesh objects. Modify the original, duplicate, apply modifiers and don’t forget to rename correctly.

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There is still much work to be done (As in the development of Blender) with Linking in Blender, and this is one of the issues that unfortunately requires a workaround like the one you are proposing.

Fundamentally it is to do with how data is stored and linking inside Blenders own data structures…

Materials are a big one at the moment, it would be awesome to have a materials library that wasn’t ONLY stored in the default blender file, but there is no other speedy way of doing this at the moment :slight_smile:

Michael would you suggest mainly using linking as a way of reducing duplicate work, or are Groups/DupliGroups more flexible or appropriate? Linking hierarchies of objects seems to not work for me either so I’m wondering if it’s the best way to go.

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