Question - is colour computationally cheap?

For the few first lectures, we use 8x8 (scaled to 32x32) bit images, which obviously very little memory or computation, a mere 1 kb of data. But our HSV (or RGB) colour pallet involves a memory space much bigger to define each colour, and this needs to be defined for every single pixel in an image, before compression or approximations are used anyway. So… is colour memory/GPU/CPU - efficient?

Sorry if this is a dumb question!!! I know that any plain computer can render and share images with complex colours on high-def res with no lag, so empirically it is obvious that colour is cheap, but I don’t understand this from a theoretical computation point of view.

Hi, and apologies for taking so long to get your question.

Modern hardware can throw around small images very quickly. Typically RGB takes about 3x as much space as greyscale (3 channels vs 1). Modern hardware is often bottlenecked by memory access, so this could be 3x slower depending on caching.

Hope this helps?

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Indeed yes! Very intuitive :slight_smile:

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