Question about Unity 2D & 3D Course Compatibility

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I recently bought both the 2D & 3D course, and I was wondering with the new Unity update if I would still be able to use the tutorials? Or would I need to download the previous edition of Unity?

Hi banhmihung,

Welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

If you are willing to look up a few things in the Q&A section or here in the forum, you may follow the courses with the latest stable version of Unity. There are only a few minor differences here and there.

If you get stuck, don’t hesitate to let us know. Describe the problem, share relevant information on your problem, and we’ll try to help you.

So, what you are saying is that I CAN use the latest update and still follow along with the tutorials? But, I’d have to be willing to look up things in the Q&A forum?

That’s right. One of the major differences is the new prefab system, which is much easier to use than the old one which is covered in the videos. The new prefab system treats prefabs like normal game objects. You’ll very likely understand the concept immediately when you follow the lectures.

I’m 33% through the 3D course (bought it 2 weeks ago) and there is no problem following along in Unity 2019. The differences so far between 2017 and 2019 have been addresses by the instructors as they update the course material if needed. Not all videso are re-recorded but they adress it one way or another in the Instructors Hangout videos (part of the course).

I say dive it!

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