Question about the Multipurpose Camera

Hey guys, I was going to take a little bit of a different path for my RPG and kind of model it like an old favorite Zelda Ocarina of time. I decided that with tweaking the multipurpose would be better but I am finding that if I am against a wall and the wall isn’t wide enough the camera will move behind the wall and I can’t see anything. Is there a way I can make it so if an object is blocking the view of the player it becomes semi/fully transparent?

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I don’t know if there is an precalculated Script or Event, but it should not be difficult to write a script.
You know where your player stand, where your camera is. If the wall is in between, hide it. That would be an easy script. Probably you would have to add some more code, that it looks smoother, but principally that’s it. At least that’s where I would start a solution for the problem.

It is not easy for me haha. I tried to do something with Ray and Raycast to detect the walls, then I had to study about how to make the wall transparent. I didn’t get to a sollution yet. Maybe tomorrow.

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