I was attempting to build a very basic tile generator for a project. My idea was to have each tile (for now the default scene floor) have sockets (for now being represented as basic USceneComponents) and using the socket transforms to spawn a tile adjacent to another tile and offset using the scene component transform. I set up my variables in my header, and intended to use a
TArray<USceneComponent*> AttachPoints;
to do so, and search for appropriate components in the Tile constructor and populate the TArray with them. This seemed like a good idea at the time, as I could specify where I wanted the sockets to be in blueprints while the parent C++ code sets it up for me. However, I can only see the TArray in the basic blueprint editor and it goes away when the “Full Blueprint Editor” is opened. I made sure I had the correct UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere) macro, and other variables such as float values and Static Mesh pointers show in the Class Defaults Detail panel with no hassle.
I’ve tried restarting Unreal and deleting the immediate folder and refreshing my vs project in case it was an edge case bug, but I’m starting to think there is something I am missing about how to use SceneComponents.
Please let me know what part about scene component/ C++ and Blueprint interaction I am misunderstanding.