Question about origins

Hi so i end the second section, and i start making the “DEMO” models as you suggest.
I found some problem i don’t have answer for it.

  1. Look, I make the cup handles but the cup isn’t straight to the XYZ axis.
    So when i try to rotate it by X axis (see the photo) its rotated based on the global X axis and not my LOCAL X if the cup.
    I mean i want to rotate it straight at 90 DEGREE.

  2. Second problem is

    i don’t know how to connect the 2 faces. Don’t know why but the “F” key isn’t connecting them.

Are the number of edges, vertices the same?
Try to select one single edge of each part, then try F (face) them.

I see also overlapping faces (dark gray triangles).

When designing your objects, you really need to think about the basic structure of your object. How may faces and how are they generated on your axes.

You can start with low poly count. And sub divide or slice where needed (explained in other course parts).

And working with your 3D cursor is also a tool to fix things.
With Shift+s you can align things to the cursor. And with Shift+Ctrl+Alt+c, you can align 3D cursor with selected parts.
Select vertices and Scale X-ax to 0 you can do aligning of vertices.

Don’t give up. With a little knowledge and work, you can fix this.

Sorry for the dealy.
So i try the both of you suggestions. Really when i selected only the edges it’s face them all and now it’s ok.

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