Question About Floor/Wall Dimensions

Hello. I’m currently doing the BSP Challenge and, although I could figure out a way to make my walls fit, in the video, the instructor is able to make the walls 1000 units in the X direction and have them fit perfectly to their floor. I was trying to replicate this or at least something like this but I am unable to find the dimensions for my floor. For the generated floor, the units are only to a relative scale. Is there a way to set the number of units in a certain direction a static mesh object like the floor goes (so that I can easily make other things that ‘fit’ it)? If not, how exactly was the instructor able to get the floor to be 1000x1000 units?

For reference, I did generate the project with the starter content. I was also able to fit the walls to the floor through either transforming the geometry or changing the scale to the floor through trial and error but am wondering if there’s an easier way of setting units. Thanks.

I’m not sure I understand your question, but in terms of changing the scale of any actor selected, you have to change those values:

For the geometry objects like cubes, there’s a “Brush Settings” drop down that allows you to change the x/y/z parameters of those geometry objects (in addition to the scale settings under “Transform”; there isn’t something similar similar for static mesh objects like the floor so I’m wondering how I would go about creating a 1000x1000 floor by inserting numbers rather than some kind of work around (or even how the instructor was able to start with a 1000x1000 floor–mine didn’t start out at that size).

I can find a few workarounds but I’m wondering if there’s some kind of function that allows me to create a 1000x1000 floor or how I would go about doing that when it seems like the static mesh floor objects in UE have preset dimensions that I can’t change outside of the ‘scale’ option.

Can you send me a screenshot of your editor because the static mesh actor like the floor are supposed to have the transform tab on all version of UE4 I used like this one (everything we can drag into the editor viewport is supposed to be an actor and they all have this tab :

That’s not the problem. I have the same interface. I meant “Is there a way to change a static mesh object’s dimensions other than using the scale option” as there is for geometry objects. Since the instructor keeps stating that, once you change a piece of geometry into a SM object, you lose the ability to change it, I’m going to assume SM objects don’t have the ability and just do it a different way. Thanks for trying to help though.

Quite simply, no, you can’t.

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