Question about Animations and While Loop in Blueprint

I am working on a third person project on my own and I am learning about character animation. I have a character and an animation montage called “Shooting.” I want this montage to repeat for as long as a certain button is pressed (In this case, the left mouse button). I have a bool called “IsShooting” that is true when the left mouse button is pressed, and is changed to false when it is released. I am trying to use a while loop to play the animation montage until the “IsShooting” variable turns to false. I think I am suppose to alter the variable somewhere inside the Loop Body of the while loop because currently, every time I click the left mouse button in Play, everything freezes and I have to restart UE4. However, I do not know how to change the variable inside the Loop Body as I am doing it based on the press and release of the left mouse button. Here is what it looks like:

This is a montage for shooting obviously. Right now, I am trying to get it to work but later I will have to have a condition that stops the animation based on the number of ammo left. I have no idea how to do this either so if anyone has worked with something like this, please let me know.

A while loop is incorrect because you would have an infinite loop, nothing else is able to execute until the while loop ends which can’t happen for how you have this set up.

I suggest you look at the Shooter Game example Epic

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